Thursday, April 30, 2015

Oh My Deer! by Dave the Haligonian

Best viewed LARGE to see the deer!

A few deer having dinner at sunset.

Dartmouth at the entrance of the Bedford Basin
Nova Scotia

On my way to meet up with Ed to do some night shots the other night I drove up around the Bedford Institute of Oceanography (BIO) to find a decent vantage point to catch the sunset. I actually had never been around there before and I will certainly be back to try a couple other spots again. Anyway I was very surprised to see 9 deer eating the grass!! I was like: "WTF? Where the hell did all these deer come from?!!" I mean, this is right in the city!! They must be used to being around this area because they seemed very calm and if I had food for them I think they would have come up to the car.
There are six of them in this shot. See if you find them! :-)

Post Processing
This is an DRI (exposure blend) using the 0ev & -2ev exposures from a bracketed shot. Other than that just standard layer of curves, a little light painting (dodge&burn) in a few areas, USM, frame,sig, watermark, etc…

Please, no multiple invites or crazy glittery graphics. Thank You
Nikon D90 : Sigma 10-20mm @ 10mm : 2.5 seconds @ f/16 ISO 200

via Flickr

from WordPress

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