Thursday, April 30, 2015

How does the water molecule works?


Water is literally the most important thing on this earth

Originally posted on Ocean Science:

Without water, there would not be rivers, lakes, seas or oceans. Then, understanding the behaviour of water molecule is an important step to begin understanding the nature and ocean science.

Three atoms, two hydrogen and one oxygen form the water molecule. They are connected by a covalent bond, it means that the hydrogen atoms share electrons with the oxygen atom, forming the water molecule. This configuration makes water a very special substance, an example of this is its fame of being sort of an universal solvent, or a substance that can dissolve everything. This is not 100% true, however, is not wrong to do this statement.

The water molecule has poles of opposite charge (polar molecule), so it can easily dissolve compounds whose elements are connected by means of electrical charges of opposite things as well (e.g., salts), we already talked about this in the post  “why the seawater is…

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