Thursday, April 30, 2015


Originally posted on Impeca:

If I think of lucky days, one in particular comes to mind. It was a rare day when I got to act as an explorer. Although only in a small capacity, I was an explorer. I was going out into the open ocean to see what really lived there. As all such days go, there is a great story behind it and a great lesson. It is one that reflects directly our inability to know more about our world and in extension, protect it.

It is after breakfast, a heavy one, and a gathering of wobbly excited individuals line up the shore. A calm day in Mombasa’s oceanfront gives us the perfect opportunity for a little splash with the fishes. The sun is out, giving lines to the distant horizon. The wind seems non-existent in the constantly warm Mombasa weather. But we are to care. My family and about five…

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