Monday, February 23, 2015

The butterfly effect in deep places

Originally posted on Blue Marble Earth:

I recently found another thought-provoking feed to follow on Facebook and Tumblr – the Earth Story. In comparison to NASA Earth Observatory, which I’ve posted about before, this feed delves below the mappable surface of the earth into deeper aspects of its history and processes.

Today this article popped up on my feed and I couldn’t resist reblogging. This argument weaves an intricate, tangled web of interactions between solar activity, glacier formation, pressure, and volcanism that seems almost too good to be true, so I’m delving deeper into it.

Their hypothesis hinges on one assumption and two simple mass-balance concepts

  1. the Milankovitch Cycle’s effects on the amount of sun the earth gets influence glaciation

  2. When the earth is colder, water accumulates in glaciers on the continents, lowering sea level. When the earth warms up, that water flows back into the sea, raising sea level.

  3. Magma beneath the earth’s crust flows…

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