Monday, December 22, 2014

5 Christmas Travel Lies

David Fratantoni’s Latest Post:

One of the standing truths in this crazy world of ours is that people are going to travel a lot during holiday periods, no matter where they’re from or where they’re going. There are many myths surrounding traveling during the holidays and while some are true, many of them are just patently incorrect. Here’s a list of 5 of the most common myths and how they’re just not true.

  1. Christmas Day is the cheapest day to fly: While this might make sense to some who think about it, it actually turns out to be untrue. While it might have been the case in the past, airlines are aware that people make list minute plans and also that they frequently arrive early and stay late. Prices for all tickets with a week or so of Christmas day (in both directions) are up and there aren’t all that many deals available.

  2. You can’t travel with wrapped packages: While the TSA used to forbid wrapped packages due to security reasons (if you have to open something, paper gets in the way), they have relaxed the regulations and you’re allowed to bring wrapped presents with you on planes. That being said, they reserve the right to unwrap and check whatever they’d like so there’s a chance that the wrapping might slow you down in security.

  3. There are no last-minute deals available: While last-minute deals are hard to find, they are by no means impossible. There are deals available but the chances that you’ll find a reasonably priced direct flight to your destination is pretty low. Be prepared to tack on some hours to your total flight time and maybe even travel to some exotic locales.

  4. Travelers are in a better mood over the holidays: Just no. If you’ve ever been on a flight in general you’ll immediately know this is a lie. Imagine the normal chaos and anger and add the stress of family and holidays to it; no one is happy and no one is having fun.

  5. If you haven’t booked by December 20th then you won’t: There are always flights going to different places around the world. While you might not be happy about flying to a destination that you weren’t originally planning on, sometimes you have no other choice. If you’re willing to spend the money then the trip your original destination can probably be found, but there’s no shame is changing destinations if the price is out of your reach.

Christmas and holiday travels will always throw wrenches into plans. However with equal parts preparation and flexibility, you should be able to have an amazing trip no matter what. Happy Holidays!

If you’d like to read more, the link is here.

from David Fratantoni and World Travel

from WordPress

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